

Alastair Struthers

I've been a gamer since the days of the BBC micro and I've been terrible ever since. Totally useless at almost all games but I do enjoy having my backside handed to me on a regular basis by friends. Still refuse to do this whole online gaming thingy with those pesky kids but I give a pass to playing games during our Patreon only Expansion Chats. Does Jackbox count as online gaming?


Anton Winters

I play any console that is known, or rumoured, to have a Sonic game! And with Sonic Mania on Switch how can I resist? I am an avid retro video game collector, scooping up anything with a controller that outputs a pixel to a TV, from pong console to a modern gaming PC and everything in between. Despite Growing up on SEGA, the Switch has definitely become my little home away from home - quite literally. It's my new platforming haven, plop me on a desert island, place some Power Moons and I’m happy.


Mike Macdermid

Hello? Does this thing work? It's smaller than my BT Cellnet phone from 1999 anyway...Believe it or not, my first gaming experience was on the ZX Spectrum 128k (+2 don't you know) so that makes me at least 78 (ish).  My claim to fame is that I'm actually in the Sims....yes I know everyone who has ever had the Sims, was technically in the Sims, but I really actually sang a song in Simlish - EA sent me the translation and everything! I was also in Saint's Row The Third but I'm still to get around to playing it...

My new gaming obsession is of course, the Switch. I love Mario Kart, Paladins, Rocket League, Zelda, and a bunch of indies that I'll go into another time.